The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

Fanny's Poem

In this extract from my book, I read a poem I wrote for a feline 'soulmate', and treasured member of my animal family. Fanny lived to the ripe old age of 19 and returned disguised as another cat who possessed her characteristics and behaviours to a tee. He also looked identical. Amazing! I believe the souls of our dearly beloved animals can return to us, which is something I talk about elsewhere in the book. You can find more information on ‘The Ultimate Relationship… the one with yourself. Insights and epiphanies of a 21st century woman’ here.


Picture of Fanny and her friend Benjamin, who also features in the poem. If you would like me to notify you of all my new posts, please use the Subscribe button below. You can also follow me on Substack, where I will post extra content, from time to time. If you like my work, please help me to spread the word. I don't use social media and rely on word of mouth. Thank you.

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