The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

Who am I?

I have been reviewing some old writings recently, which included insights and epiphanies that helped me to deal with the challenges I faced during a fast-moving period of my life. I thought I might write a book (this book, as it turns out). But maybe my interest in the past was also a little to do with approaching a big birthday. Whilst 'age' is not an institution I subscribe to (as I plan to live to an unconventionally old age, in mint condition), I am aware that I am entering a new phase of my life, which begged the question, 'Who am I?' In this latest extract from my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself', I reveal the answer.



  1. If you would like me to notify you when I publish new posts, click the Subscribe button below. If you enjoy my content, please help me to spread the word, as I don't use social media and rely on word of mouth. If you want to support my work, please make a donation.
  2. You can also follow me on Substack where I publish short 'Notes' of what's happening in my life, in between blogs.
  3. More audio extracts from my book can be found in the audio section of the website. Scroll down to see all the subjects. The more metaphysical extracts are towards the bottom.

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