The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

The path to freedom

The swirling blizzard continued relentlessly day and night and whipped the heavy snowfall up into drifts of 10 to 15 feet in some areas around the house, yard and fields. Bizarrely, other areas had almost no snow at all. It was surreal. The drive looked like a frozen sea, with huge waves coming over the hedge leaving the horse-walker and turn-out arena barely visible. Snow found its way into every building, underneath the doors, through joins in the walls, gaps in the roofs and every other nook and cranny. Nothing escaped.

This was one of the most testing experiences I faced, during my rewilding phase in Wales. I share the story in this audio extract from my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship… the one with yourself'.


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One comment on “The path to freedom”

  1. Go IN smiling, pass THROUGH smiling, and come OUT smiling. Seems like you have the knack of the whole evolutionary course, in companionable smiles o’er the many miles we all trog. Thanks for the evocative sharing.

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