This recording is the start of a journal I wrote before the word 'blog' was invented, at a time where writing about your daily life was still called a diary, when email was in its infancy and social media wasn’t even a twinkle in anyone’s eye. The internet was basic, few businesses had websites and mobile phones were for speaking and texting only. I wrote the diary for fun for a few months, after moving out of London. I was metamorphosing into another version of me in the lead up to selling my business and was toying with the idea of writing a book based on a diary. But at the time, life was still too busy. More on the book can be found here.
The picture was taken at the time I wrote this section, in the newly completed stable yard of my then home, with my beloved friend Benjamin. If you would like me to notify you of all my new posts, please use the Subscribe button below. You can also now follow me on Substack, where I will post extra content, from time to time. If you like my work, please help me to spread the word. I don't use social media and rely on word of mouth. Thank you.