This is an interview with Corey Lynn on the Solari Report ('Solution Series'). It's subscriber only content, but you can watch the free preview. It was about living on wheels, and my rather unusual outlook on life, which I describe in my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself'. We had a lovely discussion, with much more that could have been said. So, Corey invited me onto her podcast to continue the conversation. This time, we discussed how to use the power of thought* to take control of our lives, step outside the creeping global architecture that doesn't have our best interests at heart, and create a different world. Click here to watch the full video on Corey Lynn's Rumble channel. (Unfortunately, my internet connection wasn't the best on that particular evening, but we managed.)
*You can also listen to an audio extract from my book (on this website) called ‘The power of thought’, which is related to the interview.
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