The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

Groundhog Day

Following on from yesterday’s blog, which I had hoped would put an end to the relentless mechanical challenges of late, there was a distinct feeling of repetition today. Hitched up and ready to set sail at 10 am, all that remained was to connect the electrical cables and check the lights on the trailer. This requires me to climb onto the rear wheel and hang over the side of the Merc to reach the sockets. However, try as I may, I couldn’t get the 13 pin electrical lead which runs from the hitch on the trailer, to plug into the truck. As it had been a bit awkward a few times in the past, I acquired a screw cap to ensure it is correctly orientated when I come to use it, and aligns perfectly with the plug fitting. On closer inspection, however, I found that the collar between the plug and the cable was out of kilter and a small crack was visible either side.

For a brief moment, I thought I might cry. But that was pointless, so I chuckled to myself instead and retrieved the number of the mechanic who is a saint, who had already come to my rescue three times in the past five days. No reply. Well, he wouldn’t be expecting any calls early on a Sunday morning! So, I scoured the terrain for any tell-tale signs of mechanically minded fellow campers, and spotted two guys fiddling with a car on the opposite side of the field. I ran over to ask for help. They obliged but were Polish and spoke very little English so, using sign language, I explained the problem and they did their best, sadly to no avail.

The phone rang and, to my relief, it was the saint, who had noticed a million missed calls from me. He said he would come within the hour. It was extremely cold, but I managed to find one spot on the site that caught the sun, and I basked in it until he arrived, acknowledging that the situation was not life threatening and being grateful that I hadn’t broken down on the side of the road somewhere. All good practise at maintaining a state of balance and equilibrium*.

The saint arrived, chauffeured by his wife and emerged from the car hobbling on crutches, having had an altercation with his motorbike. Big kudos and gratitude for that effort. He managed to get the plug connected whilst balancing on one leg, but confirmed the casing was cracked and the plug would need to be replaced.

Young calf sizing me up with ears pricked
An Irish cow free-ranging on the West Cork coastline

I got away two hours later than planned but at least I made an exit this time. As I write I am half way between Kent and Wales, on an overnight stopover, and will try to find another saint to do the job before I continue my journey tomorrow.

Maybe there is something in the recent spate of mechanical issues, to remind me that there are solutions for all things. Or perhaps the experience is pushing me towards embracing a life without the mothership, as I had been reluctant to part with her previously. That said, I am under no illusion that the coming phase of changing accommodation several times in short succession, until I find land in Portugal and know where I need to be based, won’t be a breeze either. All for a greater good though, namely the Earth Collective project. I need to remain flexible, which is an art form I have been learning since living on wheels.


  • You can listen to an audio extract from my book about 'How to regain your balance and equilibrium'.*
  • For information on my book, ‘The Ultimate Relationship… the one with yourself’, click here.
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  • You can also follow me on Substack where I publish short 'Notes' of what's happening in my life, in between blogs.
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