The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

Don't ask, don't get!

On the house front, there's been more decorating - this time the rear sitting room which is the most spectacular room in the house and certainly worthy of a lick of paint. It isn't my favourite job (not even close) and, as usual, I completely underestimated how much work was involved until I started taping up two recessed doors, a recessed window, a fireplace recess and a ceiling full of beams, nightmare! Wisdom, however, was gained from an unexpected source...

Find out more in this audio extract from my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself'.


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  • For information on my book, ‘The Ultimate Relationship… the one with yourself’, click here.

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One comment on “Don't ask, don't get!”

  1. I am gratified by your ‘Don’t ask, don’t get’ story, since my own mother repeatedly droned out the same advice. Consequently I’ve asked a lot in my life of many, some might say, odd things. A panelled wall, a rock, some driftwood, my dog when she’s being naughty, my house when she’s being demanding. I can say without equivocation, every single thing answered me. I adore the one you received, thanks for sharing.

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