The Ultimate Relationship & the Earth Collective

Assault on the senses

I have just returned from a trip to London to submit my Portuguese visa application. I am unaccustomed to city life and crowded places, having left the capital in 2004. But I prepared as best I could. The hotel was carefully chosen, I took food for both days and packed a variety of EMF protection and energy balancing devices, which helped me stay balanced, support my immune system and detox on the go*. London is completely bathed in electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) - the whole world is, but towns and cities are worst. The dangers are denied by those we entrust to make decisions in our best interests, and information about the harms (which is plentiful) is hidden - unless you venture down the rabbit hole yourself.

In other ways, London had changed for the better, which surprised me. When I left, 20 years ago, I wasn’t planning to return. I was done with the noise, the frenzy and the smog. However, the East, where I found myself this time (between Euston and Brick Lane), was unrecognisable. Traffic was light, the air was breathable (I used to hold my breath when crossing the road, years ago), it was quiet (seriously quiet for a city) and the number of vehicles was dramatically reduced, compensated by a large number of e-scooters and e-bikes which were available for self-hire on many street corners. There were many more pedestrian zones and the whole place felt relatively calm. While I don’t approve of the politically motivated ULEZ scheme, which taxes road usage based on emissions and is coercing the population into scrapping perfectly serviceable cars and replacing them with electric vehicles (using fossil fuel generated electricity), the city had definitely changed.

Picture of valley with heathers in foreground and a lake to the background
Hills and lake in West Cork, Ireland - my type of habitat!

So, too, had certain practicalities such as paying tube fares. I felt like a newbie, asking how to do this. People looked at me in shock, as if I came from a different planet. (Well, at some level, maybe I do. In fact, maybe we all do?!). Rush hour tube trains were far less crowded. I remember standing up (just) in a crush of bodies. Years ago, everyone read newspapers which were spread wide, without consideration for others. Now, there wasn’t a paper in sight. Instead, passengers were glued to their phones, something else I am not a fan of.

The train to and from London, however, was an entirely different matter. It was an assault on the senses. Packed, hot and noisy (people were talking on their phones or watching social media videos, on speaker for all to hear), unpleasant odours and, of course, another toxic EMF 'soup' created by the wall to wall phones and on-board wifi. I read a book (yes, a print book) and attempted to maintain a state of equilibrium by viewing the experience as a dream. It’s reality, of course. But it’s not my reality.

On both journeys, yesterday and today, there was a delay of around an hour and a half, changing trains at Birmingham. So, I ventured out of the fume filled station, to look around. What a shock! I was greeted by a tsunami of people (phones in hand), noise, music blaring from shops, homeless begging on the street, hooting trams, fast food and vape fumes. The veneer of sophistication in the west, is an illusion. This is a litmus test for our true state of evolution. It was in stark contrast to the Earth Collective project which I am planning to do in Portugal (sustainable, co-living community in harmony with nature) which was brought into sharper focus by the scene I experienced in Birmingham.

The visit to the visa centre this morning was equally shocking. Total chaos. It was not the centre’s fault that so many people want to live abroad in a variety of different countries (though it begs the question, ‘why’?). But it was bedlam, nonetheless. I could identify the building from half way down the street, by virtue of the heaving crowd outside. Some were queuing around the block, others were clustered near the entrance. No-one knew how to proceed and two guards were being mobbed for information. In the end, the protocol seemed to be that batches of people were ushered into the building based on their appointment times, at roughly 15 minute intervals, whether or not they queued. And the number of people outside, was constantly replacing itself.

The situation didn’t improve once inside. I found my way to the right floor, and was shocked to see 75-100 people crammed into an airless room (some standing, some sitting), waiting to be called into one of around 25 curtained cubicles, to hand over their documents. I made a beeline for the nearest window, shoved it open and stood with my head outside, until it was my turn.

The least painful part of all, was handing over a month’s worth of painstaking work (a huge challenge to compile the required documents, and the subject of previous blogs) to the official. She ticked the items off on her checklist, and remarked that everything seemed to be in order and I had made her job easy. I was happy to have lightened her load a little, given the relentless task of processing never-ending applications and working in such difficult conditions.

It was a great relief to have completed this step of my journey to Portugal. I felt strangely elated. I made a hasty exit back onto the street to breath the outside air. Now I must wait up to 60 days for the visa, before I can leave the country. Meantime, I will be inching forward on other issues such as how to import my personal possessions and vehicle, as well as selling the mothership. In an effort not to be be overwhelmed, I aim to take it a day at a time, and regularly affirm to myself that 'I am creating perfect timing of information and outcomes'. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the power of positive intention and use it on a daily basis.

*Links to some of the devices and remedies I used on my trip:

Biogeometry – BioSignatures pendant; L90 pendant; Energy balancing charging tray. (I have also done the Foundation training in Biogeometry, as I plan to incorporate it into the design of the Earth Collective.) Essential Energy – 4 inch Light Tower Zapper Detoxing - Zeolite (ZeolithMed); Graphine homeopathic remedy (Ainsworths, London) Immune support - Vitamin D; Ephinacea


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2 comments on “Assault on the senses”

  1. Well done Fiona for submitting your visa application! Wow, you have not been in London for 20 years! Time flies and it is hard to believe 20 years have gone already. The years spent at Ely Place, Chancery Lane office of Fiona Price & Partners and Women’s’ Financial Adviser Group are such fond memories to me! I am keeping my fingers firmly crossed that you get the visa to Portugal very soon. I can imagine that parting with Freedom mothership will be emotional but you have bags of unique and rich experiences gained over the last few years. What a treasure! New chapter of your life awaits now. Wishing you lot of courage, good health and fortune! Warm regards, Alex Cybura

  2. Thank you Alek. There are many fond memories for me too, from the 20 years I spent in London, building the business, and the financial women's network where you played a vital support role.

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